Monday, March 21, 2011

Saying No to Requests from Outsiders:

Receiving common requests like contribution to charity is one of the many requests companies will have to face. It’s very difficult to refuse charity offers because you don’t want to make it seem like your company doesn’t care about the people that are in need of your help. So many companies just offer as much as they can. However, if the company isn’t doing so well and they are the state where a little will mean a lot, you wouldn’t be able to afford giving anything away; than you must write a indirect refuse letter. You want to be as gentle as you can but at the same time make sure that they know you are refusing. Some companies receive many charity requests so they may not even have a full reason to explain. What usually happens is that the company will generate a form letter, so they won’t have to write up a whole new letter every time there is a charity request. Instead with the form letter they will only have to change a few variables and names. This can be easily done using word processing equipment. The reasons-before-refusal pattern will work well when you’re declining requests for money, favors or action.

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